Mechanical Tolerances

Dimension Steel thickness Allowable tolerance – finished cores
A All ±1/32 when A £ 2
+1/16 – 1/32 when A > 2 £ 6
+1/8 – 1/16 when A > 6 £10
±1/8 when A > 10
E All ±1/64when E £1/4
+1/32 – 1/64,when E > 1/4 £1
±1/32,when E > 1 £ 3
±1/16,when E > 3
F 2 and 4 mil +1/32 – 1/64
12 mil ±1/32when F £ 6
+1/16 – 1/32,when F > 6
D All +1/32 – 0 when E £ 3
+1/16 – 0 when E > 3

Electrical Guarantees

Guaranteed magnetic properties of annealed non-impregnated  toroids are corresponded to standard  limiting properties for a used grades of grain-oriented silicon steel.


Compatible only for toroids with inner diameter greater than 1-3/16” and strip width greater than 3/8”; for steel thickness 11-14 mil (inner diameter 3/8” and width 1/8”, for steel thickness 4mil).
In epoxy coated or impregnated toroids occur magnetic degradation due to mechanical stresses.
In these toroids the core losses are increasing approximately on 20-30% in comparison with raw material.

Grade Thickness, mil Stacking factor Maximumspecific core loss, W/lb
60 Hz 400 Hz 2 kHz
15 kG 17 kG 15 kG 0.5 kG
M6 14 0.96 0.66 0.94
M5 12 0.95 0.58 0.83
M4 11 0.95 0.53 0.76
M0H (HiB) 12 0.96 0.63
M0H (HiB) 9 0.94 0.60
4 0.92 6.8
2 0.89 8.6 *



*- not guaranteed

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